Balaji Anbalagan
2 min readFeb 10, 2022


100 Days of Hacking - Day 6

Objectives of day 6 :

  1. Complete a tryhackme room

2. Perform recon on a live target

Reports of day 6 :

I started the day with this wonderful tryhackme room. It’s called lazy admin and it’s about exploiting poorly configured CMS(content management system). CMS may be a bit secure but if our configurations has some flaws or if we are not updated our firmware to the latest version with patches it may be exploitable.

I found the initial user.txt flag easily by basic fuzzing and cms-based go buster wordlists. Reading the documentation of the cms also gave me a great idea about the part where I have to log in as an admin.

I uploaded a reverse shell and yeet it worked!!!

It was a little tough to escalate my privilege from var-www to root. I learned some of these techniques yesterday using the checklist and it was easy since the authors made the challenge easy by showing a file that can be run using Perl as the root user.

and there we go yayy solved the room.

Recon Recon Recon

I organized my VPS for recon and transferred my failed bug bounty recons to the cloud as it was taking up too much space.

Hey guys and so you know I decided to take up CEH classes and write the exam on upcoming April session.




Balaji Anbalagan

Newb CTF player. <img src=x onerr…./> oops yea im a newb bug bounty hunter too :) hehe (c wat i did there)