Balaji Anbalagan
2 min readFeb 8, 2022

woohoo, sup fellow hackers. it’s day 3 / 100 we have a long way to go.

DAY 3 :

It’s Sunday! so what? it’s the perfect time to practice CTFs and to forget about all of my other programming subjects.

Objectives of Day 3 :

  1. Applying for null byte student scholarship
  2. Completing the remaining half of passive information gathering (i want to share some cool google dorks and tools so stay around)

Report of Day 3 :

https://share.hsforms.com/1mXS2zCxFQ1Ct8zsnOf3lsg4d2c8?utm_source=hubspot+form I applied for this scholarship and my achievements section sucked :(.

So it went well unfortunately I'm writing this blog on day 4 still maintaining my tryhackme streaks instead of Snapchat well I guess that’s good for me.

The interesting and fun(evil) google dorks according to me are here as follows :

intitle:(“Index of” AND “wp-content/plugins/boldgrid-backup/=”)

this muwah (chef's kiss) works like a charm for finding WordPress directories and instantly proceeding to run wp-scanner

site:*gov.* intitle:index.of db

who doesn’t like to find blunders in .gov domains

filetype:sql intext:password | pass | passwd intext:username intext:INSERT INTO `users` VALUES

I never thought this one would work but to my surprise, it did find some shitty websites which have exposed SQL dumps and even login error pages

intitle:”Vue Element Admin” intext:”Username : admin” OR intext:”Username : editor” OR intext:”Password : any"

This is created by my friend and it got listed in the exploit database awesome right!!

I’ve completed learning basic recon tools and completed a tryhackme room on google dorking.




Balaji Anbalagan

Newb CTF player. <img src=x onerr…./> oops yea im a newb bug bounty hunter too :) hehe (c wat i did there)