Balaji Anbalagan
2 min readFeb 15, 2022


100 Days of Hacking — Day 11

What’s up fellow hackers! it’s day 11 of the 100daysofhacking challenge.

Objectives of day 11 :

  1. What’s the big deal about ssh key cracking and how to do it with john the ripper
  2. Try hacking a tryhackme room (okay poor technical joke there)

Reports of day 11 :

These were the resources I referred to and provided a great deal of my understanding of SSH keys. I am learning these stuff just now :”) whereas I’ve been using these id_rsa keys for a long time (2 months or so).

Now I tried this room

It has ssh2john in it’s label so I chose this one.

Eureka moment : My script for CTF automation is working honestly it was just a few minutes and I grabbed the user.txt

The privilege escalation part was a bit tough and I couldn’t do it. It was a new topic and I thought I should spend separate time on that.

It was about lxd group containers which is used to mount root folder on host machine.

Back to this bible where lxd/lxc privilege escalation is explained well. Anyways I watched this and the concept became clearer




Balaji Anbalagan

Newb CTF player. <img src=x onerr…./> oops yea im a newb bug bounty hunter too :) hehe (c wat i did there)